We are Jerome, Galuh, Zach and Jacoby. We live in Toronto, Canada after spending two years in Phnom Penh and six years in Jakarta. Our lives are FARAWAY from our family and friends, through this blog we want to share with you the stories of our relationship, kids, careers, travels and adventures

12:49:00 PM

Cleaning with Baking Soda

Posted by Jerome & Galuh

Another tip from my mother in laws on how to clean the dirty pots. Little, if any, scrubbing is needed to clean even the dirtiest pots, you can use baking soda to have spotless pots.

Fill pot with 1 to 2 inches of water, and add about 2 tablespoon of baking soda; simmer 15 minutes, then scrape tough spots on bottom with a wooden spoon as needed.

It is nonabrasive and environmentally friendly.